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Yogurt Series enriched: Lactoferm YO 207

25 мая, 2013

Lactoferm Yoghurt Tek Series, have achieved considerable success in recent years on the milk market. In particular,the distribution in the territory of Serbia has allowed us to focus our attention to the main and most popular dairy product of this region: pavlaka sour cream. Studying the market of this territory ,we know that the dairy supply chainof these areas requires for fermented milks and yoghurt a right balance in terms of acidification, taste and structure.Considering this factors, have created a new culture Lactoferm YO 207 tested and approved for the production of set yoghurt and in particular for the production of Pavlaka . The culture gives to the final product excellent characteristics as mild flavor, high texture also when low fat content is required,minimum syneresis and rapid time of fermentation.The use of this culture has been tested also for the production of whole clot yoghurt and the results obtained from dairies had been satisfied obtaining an optimum firm texture free from syneresis.